270 Water Street - Proposed Declaration as Surplus and Disposition

Following an internal review of the City’s property assets, Stratford City Council has authorized staff to consider options for the potential sale and disposition of 270 Water Street, excluding the eastern balance of the property, which is intended to be severed and maintained as parkland. 270 Water Street is more commonly known as the Discovery Centre, Stratford Normal School or former Teacher’s College.
In accordance with the City’s P.3.1 Sale and Other Disposition of Land policy, Council directed staff to schedule a public meeting to hear from the public with respect to the potential intent to declare as surplus and dispose of the subject property. The subject land is currently owned by the City and leased to the Stratford Festival. A portion of the property is under consideration to be declared as surplus to the needs of the Corporation and for disposal. Aspects of the building are designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.
Following the public meeting, a report will be prepared for Council including a summary of the public feedback and options for Council’s consideration. At that time, Council could then consider whether or not to declare the building as surplus to the needs of the municipal corporation, determine the method disposal and set the sale price.
For some additional background information, please see the management report in the Documents section at right.
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