Community Dialogue Events

Please Join Us to Discuss the next steps in the renewal of the Grand Trunk site

The Ad Hoc Grand Trunk Renewal Committee will be hosting a series of community events this spring to engage with residents and start a dialogue on refreshing the Master Plan’s Vision and Guiding Principles for the site. The Master Plan is a high-level plan that shows the overall direction and objectives of developing the site, its Vision is a way of articulating what should be achieved by the development and Guiding principles are goals and values that should guide decision-making in developing the site.

These meetings will be an opportunity to provide an update on the Grand Trunk Renewal process and engage the community on a refreshed Vision and Guiding Principles for the site. The refreshed Vision and Guiding Principles will become the foundation for moving forward to implementation and to setting the stage to bring on partners to unlock the remarkable potential of this 18-acre City-owned site in the downtown.

You can learn more and register for this free event below:

GRANDTrunk Dialogue 1Where are we and where do we go from here? The (Grand Trunk Renewal Project) process, March 26, 2024, 6:30-8:30 pm, Hall A, Rotary Complex

An opportunity to learn about the history of the site, where we are today and the process and work to date of the Grand Trunk Ad Hoc Committee. More details and registration information can be found on the Eventbrite page.

GRANDTrunk Renewal Dialogue 2 - What can we Learn from Elsewhere: Exploring the Potential Today April 13, 2024 2-4 pm, Auditorium, City Hall

Join us for a panel of speakers who have been involved in significant and impactful urban revitalization projects from places such as downtown Guelph, Niagara Falls new Exchange project and Kitchener’s Tannery and Breithaupt Block. Learn and ask questions about how we can apply their successes and learn from their challenges for the Grand Trunk site. More details and registration information can be found on the Eventbrite page.

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