Draft Guiding Principles for the Grand Trunk

Renewing and revitalizing the Grand Trunk site will be a huge, long-term project. It is crucial that the community be involved in shaping what happens here. The 2018 Master Plan for the site contains a Vision and Guiding Principles that is being refreshed to ensure it reflects the goals and principles that will guide redevelopment of the Grand Trunk site. The Ad Hoc Grand Trunk Renewal Committee has prepared a set of draft guiding principles you can read them below and comment through the survey on this site!

The Grand Trunk Site and building will be transformed into a generational asset that will support Stratford’s goals of being a great place to live — a prosperous, inclusive, sustainable, and welcoming community to everyone.

The Grand Trunk Renewal process will begin by updating the project’s original Vision Statement and Guiding Principles, which will outline what outcomes should be achieved in developing the site and the values that should guide the development’s decision-making.

We will go about the Grand Trunk Renewal in ways that:

  • Honour our Truth and Reconciliation responsibilities
  • Build on Stratford's many strengths
  • Leverage the City’s infrastructure investment
  • Follow a sound business plan & financial model
  • Contribute to Stratford’s prosperity
  • Ensure the Grand Trunk site welcomes and inspires us
  • Adopt new and innovative approaches to building community
  • Align with Stratford’s priorities and strategies
  • Cultivate positive relationships with partners

The Grand Trunk Site will be:


Create a More Sustainable & Resilient Community

The Grand Trunk development will ensure environmental, social, and financial sustainability by:

  • Adopting leading sustainability technologies to achieve net-zero carbon emissions
  • Generating new revenue for the City
  • Pursuing partnerships that serve the community

Design with a Focus on the Past, Present, and Future

Our approach will encourage designs that honour the past, address current needs, and prepare for the future. The story of Stratford’s community, resilience and reinvention will be reflected by:

  • Celebrating the site’s history and heritage, including new uses for the Grand Trunk Building
  • Responding to current needs with forward-looking solutions
  • Creating benefits for the entire community, Downtown, and Grand Trunk site
  • Ensuring that buildings and spaces can adapt to changes in both our community and the climate

Create a dynamic new place and experience in Stratford

Transformation of the Grand Trunk Site will harness the energy of this community to create a new place for all to explore and enjoy by:

  • Fostering a sense of welcoming and belonging
  • Promoting playfulness, curiosity, and gathering
  • Celebrating and inspiring innovation, culture, and creativity
  • Creating new energy, experiences, and opportunities

Design distinct urban spaces and places

Utilize the site to offer a new and exciting urban environment by:

  • Incorporating higher-density buildings to provide for diverse community needs, such as housing for all ages and abilities
  • Celebrating the distinct attributes of the Grand Trunk site and its history
  • Designing outdoor spaces to be enjoyable in all seasons and for all people
  • Creating transit-friendly development that makes safe spaces for pedestrians and cyclists of all ages

Create a Great Place to Live and Support Wellbeing

Within the Grand Trunk site, create new urban housing options that foster community by:

  • Offering suitable, attainable, and affordable housing options
  • Including amenities for everyday life, such as vibrant public spaces, access to shopping, services, and multiple transportation options
  • Building safe and inclusive environments that are welcoming to all
  • Connecting the Grand Trunk site to the downtown and surrounding neighbourhoods

Create integrated, multi-purpose spaces and places

Optimize this public land with a vibrant mix of uses across the Grand Trunk Site, within buildings, and in each phase of development, including:

  • Residential, commercial, retail, and institutional spaces
  • Community spaces for recreation, culture, health and wellness, and collaboration
  • Public spaces that encourage community gathering and celebration

Create Cohesive and Vibrant Spaces

Ensure spaces are vital, vibrant, and active by:

  • Offering options for living, learning, health, wellness, recreation, and entrepreneurship
  • Creating spaces that support social connection and inter-generational relationships
  • Facilitating communal gathering spaces
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