Ontario Street Watermain Replacement

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The City of Stratford is preparing to replace the watermain on Ontario Street between Queen Street and Parkview Drive, beginning in spring of 2023. The project will renew aging water infrastructure, and enhance the distribution network to accommodate existing and future water demands.

The City of Stratford is preparing to replace the watermain on Ontario Street between Queen Street and Parkview Drive, beginning in spring of 2023. The project will renew aging water infrastructure, and enhance the distribution network to accommodate existing and future water demands.

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  • Share I am wondering if there will be a crossing light installed at the ontario and queen intersection as well? on Facebook Share I am wondering if there will be a crossing light installed at the ontario and queen intersection as well? on Twitter Share I am wondering if there will be a crossing light installed at the ontario and queen intersection as well? on Linkedin Email I am wondering if there will be a crossing light installed at the ontario and queen intersection as well? link

    I am wondering if there will be a crossing light installed at the ontario and queen intersection as well?

    Michele asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question. A pedestrian crossover at Ontario/Queen Street intersection is not included in the scope of this project.

Page last updated: 11 Apr 2023, 10:45 AM