Will there be a reduction in our taxes once producers are responsible for residential recycling?
There will be a reduction in the overall cost for residential recycling once producers are responsible for that program. However, a new program is required for the so-called “non-eligibles,” which include small businesses, churches, private nursing homes, post-secondary institutions and municipal buildings. The impact on taxes will depend on how that program is provided and funded. City Council has not made a decision on that yet.
Will there be increased recycling receptacles provided downtown?
The exact details still need to be worked out, but it’s worth noting that producers will be required to provide approximately 55 public recycling receptacles. Some of them will likely be placed in the downtown core, and some will be in other areas, like the parks system.
Can we add small businesses to the future residential recycling program?
Under the provincial guidelines, producers are not legally required to provide service to non-eligible sources such as small businesses and institutions, and have not indicated an interest in doing so. If service is to be provided to non-eligibles sources, it must be a new and different program from the residential one.
Can you push back to Producers to provide service to non-eligibles?
There is minimal ability to change the legislation currently in place. Starting well before 2019, the vast majority of municipalities, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks, and associated stakeholders worked together to establish the program. Overall, municipalities see this as a significant success, and something that will help drive greater diversion. Municipalities and environmental advocates will continue to push on the Province and Producers to maximize waste diversion.
Will residential occupants downtown or in mixed use buildings still receive recycling services?
How will municipal buildings be serviced?
The service received by municipal buildings will be reflective of the future program delivery options available and the desired diversion options set by Council.