Why would I participate?

    • To help the City of Stratford understand your hopes for the community
    • To share with the City of Stratford what’s working well and what could be improved
    • To help shape the future of the City of Stratford

    What will you do with my responses?

    Your responses will be combined with data from multiple other methods of engagement. Your input will be provided to project consultant, Overlap Associates. The data will be analyzed and presented in the form of an insights summary and shared with the City of Stratford.

    Please note that your participation is voluntary and your responses are confidential.

    How long will the activity take?

    Completing the Greeting from the Future activity will take 2-5 minutes.

    What do I need to know about my privacy and data?

    There are several ways your data and privacy are protected: First, we do not collect demographic or identifying data, as a result, your identity will not be tied to your submissions in any way.  By completing the survey you are giving implied consent to use and store your data.