What is a Transportation Master Plan?

    A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a comprehensive document that will guide the planning and development of a multi-modal transportation system in the City of Stratford. The TMP supports the objectives of the City’s Official Plan and provides more detailed recommendations and strategies to improve the transportation system. The transportation system comprises roads, public transit services, commercial goods movement/trucks, and cycling and walking networks.

    The TMP will support the City’s vision for the future by responding to needs and identifying opportunities that will improve the lives of residents and visitors. 

    What is multi-modal transportation?

    Multi-modal transportation refers to the variety of ways people and goods get around. A multi-modal transportation system includes cars, public transit, cyclists, pedestrians, and trucks (commercial goods movement). The TMP will support a multi-modal transportation system for the City of Stratford, improving mobility options for all people.

    What is the TMP study scope?

    • Develop a 20-year fully integrated TMP that includes active transportation modes
    • Identify all arterial and collector roads, and active transportation corridors for inclusion in the Official Plan
    • Review existing routes used by trucks and the need for and feasibility of designated truck routes
    • Consider the implications of current annexations and the Grand Trunk site development
    • Consider current plans for the Highway 7/8 bypass and any other related provincial plans
    • Identify and prepare a transportation improvement program to deal with projected population and employment growth for the next 5, 10 and 20-year horizon
    • Identify the cost of the proposed infrastructure improvements for the 5-year planning horizon

    What are the TMP planning horizon years?

    A planning horizon is the future point in time the TMP looks toward. The TMP study considers three planning horizons:

    • 2026 (Short-Term): Projects or programs recommended over the next few years
    • 2031 (Medium-Term): Projects or programs recommended over the next decade
    • 2041 (Long-Term): The ultimate time-frame for TMP recommendations

    Does the TMP include transportation outside the City of Stratford?

    Transportation within the City of Stratford is the primary focus of the TMP. However, travel demands in the region may be considered in different aspects of the study including inter-regional connections and boundary roads. 

    Representatives from adjacent municipalities including the County of Perth will be engaged throughout the study process, and consultation with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario will be conducted to provide input.

    What are the three phases of the TMP?

    The TMP study was initiated in January 2022 and is anticipated to conclude in early 2023. The study will be conducted over three phases, as follows:

    • Phase 1: Assess Existing and Future Transportation Needs in Stratford
    • Phase 2: Identify and Evaluate Alternative Solutions for the Transportation Network
    • Phase 3: Prepare the Transportation Master Plan Document

    The TMP will be conducted as per the requirements of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment master planning process, in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Act.

    What are Complete Streets?

    Complete Streets are streets planned and designed with the needs of all road users in mind – people who walk, bicycle, take transit, drive and carry commercial goods. Complete Streets improve public health and promote livability by improving the safety, comfort and accessibility of all people regardless of age or ability.

    What is a Complete Community?

    Complete Communities are intended to meet the daily needs of all residents. They are generally walkable neighbourhoods that allow residents to live, shop, work and play within close proximity. They include a variety of housing types, community spaces, parks, retail and food options, and complete streets.

    Does my input matter?

    Yes! Receiving ongoing feedback from the public is an integral part of the study that helps ensure the TMP is meaningful and responsive to the needs and values of the City of Stratford, its residents, businesses and visitors.

    In Phase 1, your feedback will be used to help identify transportation issues, needs and opportunities in the City of Stratford. Input received will help shape the types of policies, strategies and infrastructure needed to support the City into the future.

    In Phase 2, your feedback will help refine the recommended projects, policies and strategies.

    How can I provide feedback and stay informed?

    There are several ways to participate in the study process and provide feedback to the TMP project team.

    In addition to the background information provided here, we also plan to include:

    • Polls
    • A space to ask questions 
    • A survey to gather feedback about transportation issues and opportunities in Stratford 
    • An interactive mapping tool that will allow you to highlight areas and leave comments or suggestions